The Lokas

हरिः ॐ । Harihi Om.

In the 10th Khanda of the Subaala Upanishad, a list of the various lokas and their dependence has been mentioned.

अथ हैनं रैक्वः पप्रच्छ भगवन्कस्मिन्सर्वे
सम्प्रतिष्ठिता भवन्तीति रसातललोकेष्विति होवाच
कस्मिन्रसातललोका ओताश्च प्रोताश्चेति भूर्लोकेष्विति
होवाच कस्मिन्भूर्लोका ओताश्च प्रोताश्चेति
भुवर्लोकेष्विति होवाच कस्मिन्भुवर्लोका ओताश्च
प्रोताश्चेति सुवर्लोकेष्विति होवाच कस्मिन्सुवर्लोका
ओताश्च प्रोताश्चेति महर्लोकेष्विति होवाच कस्मिन्महर्लोका
ओताश्च प्रोताश्चेति जनोलोकेष्विति होवाच कस्मिन् जनोलोका
ओताश्च प्रोताश्चेति तपोलोकेष्विति होवाच कस्मिंस्तपोलोका
ओताश्च प्रोताश्चेति सत्यलोकेष्विति होवाच कस्मिन्सत्यलोका
ओताश्च प्रोताश्चेति प्रजापतिलोकेष्विति होवाच
कस्मिन्प्रजापतिलोका ओताश्च प्रोताश्चेति ब्रह्मलोकेष्विति
होवाच कस्मिन्ब्रह्मलोका ओताश्च प्रोताश्चेति सर्वलोका
आत्मनि ब्रह्मणि मणय इवौताश्च प्रोताश्चेति
स होवाचैवमेतान् लोकानात्मनि प्रतिष्ठितान्वेदात्मैव
स भवतीत्येतन्निर्वाणानुशासनमिति वेदानुशासनमिति
वेदानुशासनम् ॥

Subaala Upanishad, Khanda 7

“Then Raikva asked Him: “O Lord, where do all things rest? He replied: “In the worlds of Rasātala (or nether worlds).” “In what are these (Rasātala worlds) woven warp and woof?” He replied: “In the worlds of Bhūḥ.” “In what are these (worlds of Bhūḥ) woven warp and woof?” He replied: “In the worlds of Bhuvaḥ.” “In what are these (Bhuvaḥ worlds) woven warp and woof?” “In the worlds of Suvaḥ.” “In what are these (Suvaḥ worlds) woven warp and woof?” “In the worlds of Mahaḥ.” In what are these (Mahaḥ worlds) woven warp and woof?” “In the Janaloka.” “In what are these (Jana worlds) woven warp and woof?” “In the Tapoloka.” “In what are these (Tapolokas) woven warp and woof?” “In the Satya loka.” “In what are these (Satya worlds) woven warp and woof?” “In the Prajāpati loka.” “In what are these (Prajāpati worlds) woven warp and woof?” “In the Brahmaloka.” “In what are these (Brahma worlds) woven warp and woof?” “In the Sarvaloka.” “In what are these (Sarva lokas) woven warp and woof?” “In Ātmā—which is Brahman, like beads (in a rosary) warp-wise and woof-wise.”

Then he said: “All these rest in Ātmā, and he who knows this, becomes Ātmā itself. Thus is the exposition of Nirvāṇa. Thus is the exposition of the Vedas; yea, thus is the exposition of the Vedas.”

The following statement has an Upa-Braahmana in the Bhagavat Geeta:

होवाच कस्मिन्ब्रह्मलोका ओताश्च प्रोताश्चेति सर्वलोका
आत्मनि ब्रह्मणि मणय इवौताश्च प्रोताश्चेति

“In what are these (Sarva lokas) woven warp and woof?” “In Ātmā—which is Brahman, like beads (in a rosary) warp-wise and woof-wise.”

It can be found in the 7th chapter and the 7th shloka

मत्त: परतरं नान्यत्किञ्चिदस्ति धनञ्जय ।
मयि सर्वमिदं प्रोतं सूत्रे मणिगणा इव ॥ 7 ॥

Bhagavat Geeta, Adhyaaya 7, Shloka 7

(Shri Krshna said,) “There is nothing higher than Myself, O Arjun. Everything rests in Me, as beads strung on a thread.”

Thank you for reading.

श्री कृष्णार्पणमस्तु ।







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